13 Weight Loss Hacks Youve Probably Never Heard Of

Nutrition plays a huge role in successful weight loss. Eating a balanced diet of macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats can help your body to burn calories more efficiently. In addition to eating right, there are a few simple nutrition hacks you can use to boost your metabolic rate and help you shed those unwanted pounds.

Let’s take a look at a few of these strategies and how they can help you with your weight loss goals.

Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently

Eating smaller meals more frequently can help with weight loss and prevent overeating. This approach to eating is often referred to as grazing or eating mini-meals throughout the day. It’s especially important to do this during periods of high stress or when physical activity levels are high.

This particular weight loss hack has been studied by several investigators and they have all suggested that it can help with achieving a healthy weight, decreasing hunger levels, and controlling food cravings.

For example, one study compared the effects of eating three larger meals per day versus six smaller meals per day in overweight adults. The study found that those who ate six smaller meals per day achieved greater weight loss than those who ate three larger meals.

In addition to helping with overall weight management, studies suggest that consuming smaller meals more frequently can result in greater energy levels throughout the day and improved mental focus. Eating this way also allows you to better control portion sizes since each meal will be slightly smaller than what you would normally eat for a single meal.

Incorporate a variety of protein sources

Protein is an essential nutrient for healthy growth, development, and the maintenance of bones, muscles, and all other body tissues. Therefore, it is important to incorporate a variety of protein sources within your diet in order to meet your body’s needs.

The best dietary sources of protein include lean meats and poultry (e.g. chicken breast), fish (e.g. salmon), eggs, legumes (e.g. black beans), nuts/seeds (e.g almonds/flax seeds), and dairy products (e.g yogurt).

Additionally, certain plant proteins, like quinoa and soy provide complete proteins, that contain all nine essential amino acids the body needs to build new proteins and support major bodily functions foods like, oatmeal are relatively low in protein but can be combined with other food groups to create a more balanced meal containing a satisfactory amount of protein for the day – for example, adding peanut butter or ground flaxseed to your morning oats increases their overall nutritional value significantly as well as making them more satisfying!

Lastly, it is also important to recognize that some plant proteins such as nuts, quinoa, and broccoli are considered incomplete proteins because they may not have all nine essential amino acids required for the human body; however, these can still be consumed in order to contribute towards meeting a daily protein intake goal in combination with other sources!

Eat a high-fiber diet

We all know that eating a diet containing high levels of fiber has many health benefits. Fiber helps your body to absorb water and leads to feelings of fullness, which can make weight loss easier. High-fiber foods include legumes, wheat bran, fruits, and vegetables.

Eating enough fiber can also lower your risk for various diseases and improve digestive health. When looking for high-fiber foods when on a weight-loss journey, ensure you’re selecting whole grains over refined grains and opting for fresh produce as much as possible. Additionally, intake should be spread out throughout the day for optimal satiety.


Exercise is an important part of any weight loss journey. Regular physical activity can help to boost your metabolism, burn calories, and build muscle mass. Additionally, it can help to improve your mood and increase your confidence in yourself. Let’s take a look at some of the best exercise strategies for weight loss.

High-intensity interval training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short bursts of intense physical activity, followed by a period of low activity or rest. HIIT combines elements of both cardio and strength training and can be done both in the gym and at home.

By alternating brief periods of high-intensity aerobic activity with low-intensity activities, HIIT increases overall calorie burning while also having a positive effect on different cardiovascular parameters such as heart rate and blood pressure.

Additionally, studies have shown that HIIT may be more effective than traditional steady-state aerobic exercise for fat loss and other health benefits. Not only is HIIT an effective way to burn calories quickly, but it’s also time efficient as workouts typically last less than 30 minutes.

Resistance training

Resistance training—often referred to as “ strength training”—promotes fat loss in a number of ways. It not only boosts resting metabolic rate (the amount of energy you need to expend while at rest) but it can also reduce activity-related energy expenditure (the number of calories burned during activity), due to factors such as increased muscle efficiency.

Moreover, resistance training increases muscle size, which is associated with an increased number of calories being used from the body’s stores. Resistance training also releases hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone, which promote fat-burning and help maintain lean muscle mass.

There are a variety of types of resistance training exercises that can be done at home or in the gym: exercises such as weight-training machines and free weights or even simple bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, or chin-ups. Be sure to check with a trainer or doctor first if you are new to resistance training.


Cardio is an excellent way to lose weight and get into shape for a healthier lifestyle. It helps burn off those calories and boosts your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight. In addition to this, doing cardio has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, as well as reducing stress levels.

There are two main types of cardio exercise — aerobic exercise (such as running and swimming) and anaerobic exercise (such as interval training). Aerobic exercise is often recommended if you want to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. On the other hand, anaerobic exercises such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are great for getting results in a shorter period.

Whichever type of cardio you choose to do, make sure you’re doing it regularly — three times a week should be enough! Additionally, it’s important that you push yourself while doing cardio: your heart rate should be at least 50-75 percent of its maximum rate during each session in order to maximize the calorie-burning effects.


Lifestyle decisions can have a significant impact on your weight loss journey. Making small changes to your lifestyle can help you reach your fitness goals without having to drastically adjust your diet or exercise routine. In this article, we will discuss 13 lifestyle hacks that can help you lose weight. These hacks are simple and easy to follow, and you’ve probably never heard of them before. So let’s get started.

Get adequate sleep

Getting enough sleep is an important part of any weight loss journey, yet it’s often overlooked as a key factor. Without proper rest, your body will struggle to function effectively—especially during intense workouts. Habitual, inadequate sleep has even been linked with increased cravings and risk of obesity.

When focusing on weight loss, experts recommend aiming for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night. Adhering to a steady bedtime can help ensure you’re getting adequate rest and that your body is primed for physical activity throughout the day. Studies have even shown that getting enough sleep can benefit exercise performance and improve weight loss results.

Creatingsleep-friendly habits—such as avoiding late-night snacking, limiting electronics in the bedroom, and practicing relaxation techniques—can all help you reach those goals and increase your chances of shedding pounds successfully. Remember, when it comes to weight loss success: “The earlier to bed, the better!”

Reduce stress

Reducing stress is essential to weight loss success as an excess amount of stress has been tied to various unhealthy behaviors, such as overeating, lack of exercise, and more. When your body is in a state of chronic stress, it can cause your blood sugar levels to fluctuate, making you crave sugary snacks or comfort foods.

Therefore, taking the time to reduce the amount of stress in your life can be one of the most effective ways to maintain or even lose weight.

Stress reduction techniques range from simple lifestyle changes that can easily be integrated into your day-to-day life such as meditating or yoga and deep breathing exercises, to longer-term solutions such as counseling and support groups.

A good way to get started is by organizing your day so that you have an allotted amount of free time just for yourself every day. Additionally, try and figure out what triggers cause you stress so that you can react in healthier ways in those situations.

Drink more water

Drinking plenty of water is essential for not only losing weight but also for overall health and well-being. Research shows that those who drink more water tend to be in better health and have lower body mass indexes (BMIs). Drinking water can help increase satiety, which can reduce cravings and overall calorie intake throughout the day.

Start off your morning with a glass of water as soon as you wake up and aim to drink at least 8 glasses per day. There are several benefits to drinking cold or room temperature water instead of warm or hot – it’s less likely to make you feel bloated, it may help raise your metabolism, and it helps stimulate the receptors that tell your body when it’s full.

In addition to its weight loss benefits, drinking sufficient amounts of water can improve skin health, reduce headaches, prevent constipation and kidney stones, improve moods, energize muscles and regulate bodily temperature. Make sure you’re adequately hydrated by including plenty of healthy beverages throughout your day – try adding lemon or mint for extra flavor.


Supplements can be a great way to help you lose weight quickly and safely if used correctly. Some popular supplements include caffeine, green tea extract, garcinia Cambogia, and raspberry ketones. In this section specifically, we will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of taking supplements while trying to lose weight and the different types of supplements that are available.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that cannot be produced by the body and thus need to be consumed through dietary sources. These fatty acids help to improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and have been associated with weight loss. Omega-3 fatty acids can lower levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in the bloodstream which if elevated can increase the risk of heart disease.

Many popular sources such as fish oil supplements, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts are all excellent sources of omega-3s. It is important to note that some studies on the effects of omega-3s on weight loss have shown mixed results so it is worth talking to your doctor before taking these supplements to ensure you are getting an optimal amount for your body and goals.


Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that have many potential health benefits. They may help keep your gut healthy and play an important role in digestion, immune function, and general well-being. A number of popular weight loss supplements contain probiotics or “good” bacteria. These products are often labeled as “probiotic weight loss supplements” or simply “probiotics for weight loss.”

Evidence suggests that taking a probiotic supplement can lead to modest fat loss, although the effect is small. In one study of 34 overweight/obese women, those who were supplemented with two different strains of Lactobacillus lost more weight than a placebo group without any changes to their diet or exercise program.

Other studies have suggested that supplementing with specific species of beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis) can lead to reduced calorie intake. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and determine the best dosing for long-term effectiveness.

Despite the promise of probiotic supplements for improving gut health and promoting weight loss, there is still no clear agreement on which organisms provide the most benefit or how much they should be taken each day to be effective at helping you maintain your weight goals in the long term.

As such, if you are considering adding a probiotic supplement to your routine, speak with your doctor first so they can recommend a product that will meet your individual needs.

Green tea extract

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to increase energy expenditure and speed up the metabolism. The active ingredient in green tea extract supplements is EGCG, so taking them can give you most of the benefits of green tea without having to brew and drink multiple cups a day.

Green tea extract has been found to boost fat burning and promote weight loss in various studies. It can reduce appetite, prevent new fat cells from forming and reduce abdominal fat mass.

Studies have also shown that it helps maintain insulin sensitivity, so it may even help stabilize blood sugar levels. Taken daily, it may keep your metabolism humming along when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet.


One of the most important things when it comes to weight loss is a mindset. It can be easy to think of weight loss as a journey filled with deprivation and hard work, but the reality is that there are plenty of creative and fun ways to make the process enjoyable.

In this section, we’ll explore 13 weight loss hacks that you’ve probably never heard of before to help you get in the right mindset for your weight loss journey.

Learn to recognize hunger cues

In order to successfully lose weight, you must be able to recognize true hunger cues and distinguish between false ones so that you don’t succumb to unhealthy eating patterns. First, it’s important to listen to your body and identify when physical hunger occurs. This might include a rumbling stomach, loss of energy, or lightheadedness.

Secondly, understand the difference between emotional and physical hunger – meaning that you are eating not only because you are physically hungry but also because of an emotion you’re feeling such as boredom, stress, or sadness. Learning how to listen to your body’s needs is the first step in recognizing true hunger cues and setting yourself up for lasting success with weight loss.

Additionally, be aware of environmental factors that might influence your food choices such as aromas from restaurants or meals out with friends. Keeping track of these factors will help you stay in tune with how your environment can affect what and how much you consume. This includes avoiding snack aisles at the grocery store when not hungry – just seeing tempting items can quickly increase one’s appetite!

Finally, practice mindfulness around food by eating slowly and savoring each bite in order to properly process if fullness has been achieved; this is especially important when it comes to higher calorie items like dessert or fast foods. Ultimately learning the skills needed for mindful eating is an integral part of recognizing true hunger cues.

Practice mindful eating

Practicing mindful eating can help you make healthier food choices and become more aware of how your body reacts to certain foods. Mindful eating is an approach to food that involves paying full attention while eating and taking note of how the food tastes, smells, looks, and feels.

It involves slowing down, savoring every bite, being mindful of hunger and fullness cues, eating without distraction or multitasking, and making conscious choices about what you consume.

For example, during a meal it can be helpful to ask yourself questions like “Am I really hungry for this?” or “What does my body need?” These questions help refocus your mind away from dieting thoughts like counting calories or macro tracking towards understanding what nutrition your body needs at a given moment. When practiced on a regular basis it can be a powerful tool for weight loss success.

Mindful eating also involves listening to your body’s need to rest after meals. Allowing yourself adequate rest time between meals helps you adopt healthier habits by avoiding emotional connections with food and rushing to eat before feeling genuinely hungry again.

Establishing when it’s an appropriate time to eat will help keep track of regularity in meals throughout the day as well as when the next meal should come due. This schedule is essential for regulating dopamine (the feel-good hormone) production throughout the day – particularly before sleep which ultimately helps regulate appetite hormones such as ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and leptin (the satiety hormone).

To maximize physical results from practicing mindful eating it is important not only to focus on mealtimes but also to allow yourself enough rest between meals too!

Set realistic goals

Successful weight loss requires building up the resilience needed to stay consistent and have patience. In order to set yourself up for success and enjoy lasting results, your goals must be realistic. This means based on your starting point, schedule, and habits and capitalizing on opportunities within your lifestyle.

When setting weight loss goals, give yourself a realistic timeline while also staying focused on making progress as you strive towards them. Your progress will most likely be slow, but with correct planning periods of feeling stuck and discouraged can be avoided.

Think about what realistic short-term goals you can set and celebrate those wins to keep yourself motivated as you work towards the bigger goal of developing lifelong habits.

For example, if your end goal is to lose 20 pounds by summer, break that down into smaller manageable goals like losing 1-2 pounds per week or exercising 3 days per week for 8 weeks straight, etc., which will help make achieving the final goal much less daunting.

Additionally, remember that weight isn’t everything; focus equally on incorporating healthy behaviors that increase muscle mass or improve overall health such as cooking nutritious meals at home or joining a fitness class or team sport.

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