It is no mystery that Dave Bautista has always been an avid fan of Gears of War. The famous actor and former multiple world champion in WWE has long been calling for the film adaptation of the series now directed by The Coalition, where he would like to play the part of the protagonist Marcus fenix.
His dream is so strong that at one point he even proposed it to Universal Pictures during an interview for a completely different movie. The film giant would have liked to have Bautista join the cast of Fast & Furious, the famous franchise starring Vin Diesel, but apparently the conversation took a very different turn: “They wanted to talk to me about Fast & Furious, and I said ‘I don’t care, let’s talk about Marcus Fenix instead‘”. An answer that apparently made Universal turn up his nose, but Bautista points out that, while he did not regret what he said, he had no intention of offending anyone:”I didn’t want to break anything or anyone down, I was just saying that Gears is much more interesting to me. I don’t want to pretend that I am interested in something that to me is not, when instead there is something that I am really excited about that you are in control. ‘Would you consider me for the part?’ I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying that“.
The actor reiterates that it was not his intention to belittle anything, but simply wanted to make it clear what his real interests were, saying he was sure he could give his best in a similar role. Although there have been no particular news so far, the Gears of War film has actually been in the pipeline for years at Universal Pictures, which is why Bautista took the ball when meeting with the producers of the company. But who knows if he will ever really be cast for the role of Marcus. At least Dave Bautista became a playable character in Gears 5, where he was proposed as an alternative skin of Marcus himself.