The directors change, the actors change, but one thing will never change: in every film on Batman there will always be a Bat-Cavern and Matt Reeves’ version, of course, will be no exception. But what will be the secret refuge that we will see in the film with Robert Pattinson in the role of the masked executioner of Gotham?
Let’s try to orient ourselves based on what we saw in the trailer: first of all the Bat-Cavern in question seems to be in the immediate vicinity of Gotham, given the imminence of the city skyline in the background and the fact that ours, at least judging by these first images, manages to get there by motorbike without too many problems.
Unlike previous versions, this Bat-Cave it has all the appearance of not being a real cave: the refuge of the new Bruce Wayne seems to be located near an old train depot (probably owned by our family). Furthermore, they do not seem to be there traces of waterfalls to hide the entrance.
In short, the Bat-Cavern of The Batman seems to contribute to outline the figure of a Batman more similar to that of Year One than to the most recent cinematographic transpositions, with a decidedly more Spartan refuge and more devoted to convenience and proximity than to the scenographic impact. What are your impressions? Let us know in the comments! Meanwhile, a new fan-art on The Batman allows us to take a new look at our hero.