In one of the latest episodes of the podcast hosted by Conan O’Brien, Seth Rogen unveiled the bizarre conversation he had a few years ago with George Lucas, the father of Star Wars, regarding the fate of humanity. It was the end of 2012 and some people were convinced that the end of the world was near, among them was George Lucas himself.
Over the course of the podcast Conan Needs A Friend Seth Rogen told an anecdote about a bizarre encounter he had with George Lucas turned out to be really strange. A conversation that still haunts and confuses Rogen’s psyche, apparently marked forever by the words spoken by the creator of Star Wars. The occasion is given by the presentation of Rogen’s book, Yearbook, in which this anecdote dating back to 2012 is told in a passage.
At the time Rogen and his production partner Evan Goldberg were having a meeting with Steven Spielberg, a quiet meeting until George Lucas walked into the room. Seth Rogen then asked Lucas the most classic of questions, ‘How’s it going?’, And in response Lucas made his reaction memorable: “Not well. We are about to enter the final part of 2012 and the world is about to end”.
Rogen then confessed to O’Brien: “Is there a question that still haunts me today, a question to which I think I know the answer or “Was he kidding”? The answer is no, I didn’t really think he was joking“. Rogen then remembers having deepened the conversation with Lucas:”We made a joke, we asked him ‘If you have a spaceship to escape the earth, are there places for us too?‘. And he said ‘No’. It made me think that he wasn’t kidding because, otherwise, he would have said ‘Yes’. But he said ‘No’. To this day I am still confused and tormented by this story‘”.
Seth Rogen is cast in Steven Spielberg’s upcoming film, which will be based on the director’s childhood memories. He is currently producing the third season of The Boys alongside the inseparable Goldberg.