High Potassium Foods for Bloating: 27 Amazing Sources and Benefits

Potassium is an essential mineral found in a variety of nutritious foods. Most people don’t get enough of it on a daily basis, even though it helps to regulate the body’s fluid balance and reduce bloating. Also, getting an adequate dose of potassium can help to reduce your risk for specific diseases and health conditions.

Are you looking for meals high in potassium but low in sodium? Or maybe you have been prescribed a supplement to counteract the common side effect of bloating? Either way, this article provides details on the benefits that can be gained from eating high-potassium foods and lists 27 amazing sources of potassium.

We also explain how to incorporate these healthy, potassium-rich foods into your diet and what other related nutrition information is available.

What is Potassium and What are its Benefits?

Potassium is an essential nutrient for the human body and is a key mineral in regulating water balance, nerve signaling, and muscle contraction. Our bodies need potassium to help control the activity of cells, tissues, and organs. In addition to its essential role in controlling a number of bodily processes, foods that are high in potassium can also help relieve symptoms of bloating.

Potassium helps regulate fluids in the cells, allowing excess fluid to leave the body through urination or sweat production. This lower sodium-to-potassium ratio helps manage hydration levels more effectively and can reduce fluid retention. Additionally, since high sodium levels can cause bloating as well, by consuming foods that are rich in potassium you may be able to reduce your sodium intake indirectly.

High potassium foods’ natural diuretic properties also make them a great option for reducing swelling associated with PMS or during pregnancy and taking birth control medications may also experience bloating due to their higher levels of progesterone, which can cause water retention. Consuming foods that are high in potassium can lead to increased urination and resulting relief from bloat associated with these conditions.

High Potassium Foods

Eating foods that are high in potassium can provide several health benefits. Potassium is an essential mineral that helps maintain fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve function. Increasing the amount of potassium in your diet can help reduce symptoms of bloating and water retention.

In this article, we will look at 27 amazing sources of high-potassium foods and the benefits of including them in your diet.


Bananas are perhaps one of the most popular sources of potassium — in fact, a medium banana contains 422 milligrams of this mineral. Potassium helps regulate fluid balance, which can reduce water retention and bloat. Additionally, bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, which helps break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for energy and cell growth.

In addition to providing a good source of potassium, bananas also contain tryptophan — an amino acid that produces serotonin — the feel-good hormone. This can help improve your overall mood and well-being! And to top it off, bananas are a good source of dietary fiber. Eating more dietary fiber (soluble or insoluble) can help reduce bloating by making stool easier to pass through the digestive tract.

But don’t overdo it on the bananas! Too much potassium can be harmful and lead to abdominal discomfort and an electrolyte imbalance. So while they may be a great source of this important mineral, remember to keep your banana intake in check.


Avocados are high in potassium, providing 487 mg of this mineral per cup. Not only that, avocados are loaded with healthy fats that can help reduce bloating and improve digestion. They also contain other critical minerals like magnesium and sodium, along with fiber, and are a good source of vitamins A, C, E, and K.

Eating avocados can help regulate the metabolism, boost energy levels due to its presence of healthy fats, and help promote heart health due to the monounsaturated fats. Avocado toast or guacamole is a tasty way to enjoy this high-potassium food for bloating relief.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a tasty and nutritious root vegetable that is packed with essential minerals and vitamins. In particular, they’re an excellent source of potassium and fibers, both of which can help to reduce bloating.

One medium-sized sweet potato contains 522 mg of potassium or 11% of the recommended daily value (DV). Potassium is a mineral that helps keep your body’s water balance in check, as well as regulate blood pressure levels.

Eating foods high in potassium can also help decrease sodium levels in the bloodstream and so maintaining a healthy electrolyte balance — is perfect for reducing uncomfortable bloating caused by excessive water retention.

High-fiber foods like sweet potatoes help promote regular bowel movements and reduce constipation-related bloating; one medium-sized potato contains 4 g of fiber or 16% of the DV. Sweet potatoes are also rich in manganese and contain several important vitamins such as vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6, as well as thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin.

Enjoy sweet potatoes baked or boiled for a delicious side dish with lunch or dinner — you’ll be treating your body to an amazing amount of health benefits! Other sources of high potassium for reducing bloating include bananas, avocados, and spinach.


Spinach is an excellent source of potassium, with one cup of cooked spinach offering up to 839 mg of potassium. Other nutrients in spinach include vitamins A, C, and K as well as folate, calcium, iron, and manganese. Spinach is also loaded with many phytonutrients that have been linked to reducing the risk of developing cancer and other health benefits.

It can be consumed raw or cooked to add potassium to your diet. Additionally, it can be juiced or blended in a smoothie for maximum health benefits. Try topping sandwiches with spinach or adding it to pasta and soups for even more nutrition.


Tomatoes are a great source of dietary potassium, a mineral that plays an important role in our health. A medium-sized tomato contains 422 milligrams of potassium – almost 10% of the daily recommended intake. The potassium content in tomatoes can help lower blood pressure, improve kidney function and reduce the risk of stroke.

Tomatoes also contain vitamin C, fiber, folate, and carotenoids which all work together to help reduce inflammation and support healthy digestion. Furthermore, the lycopene contained in tomatoes can play a role in reducing cancer risk.

Tomatoes are easy to incorporate into your diet – they can be added to salads, pasta, and salsas for extra flavor. They are also delicious when roasted or grilled. Combine tomatoes with dark leafy greens for an instant burst of flavor and added nutrition.

White Beans

White beans, also known as navy beans, are an excellent source of potassium. One cup of cooked navy beans provides 785 milligrams of potassium. That’s 17 percent of the recommended daily value.

White beans are also a great source of fiber and protein and contain many vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and calcium. Eat white beans plain or in soups and salads. They can also be used in place of meat to add extra protein to your meal.


Lentils are an excellent source of potassium, containing 638 milligrams (mg) per cup when cooked. They are a good source of protein and fiber, which makes them both a helpful and healthy component of meals. Lentils require no soaking and cook quicker than many beans, making them relatively easy to prepare. One cup of cooked lentils contains 16 grams (g) of fiber — nearly half the DV — and 18 g of protein.

Lentils are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, meaning they help slow down digestion as well as help reduce episodes of gas from bloating. Furthermore, lentils can act as beneficial prebiotics that nourishes the beneficial bacteria in your gut microbiome — the community of healthy bacteria that lives within your digestive tract. This can help improve digestion, reduce inflammation and support better health overall.


Broccoli is a great source of dietary potassium and provides a number of other important nutrients. Potassium plays an important role in regulating blood pressure and maintaining fluid balance. A one-cup serving of boiled broccoli contains 450mg of potassium or 10% of the daily recommended intake.

In addition to its high potassium content, broccoli is packed with Vitamin C, folate, and dietary fiber. Research suggests that this cruciferous vegetable may be especially effective at warding off cancer due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Broccoli can be enjoyed steamed, stir-fried or raw for maximum benefits.

For a burst of flavor, try topping it with garlic and extra-virgin olive oil or roasting it with sea salt and black pepper. However you choose to enjoy it, broccoli is sure to make your diet more nutritious.


Oranges are a common source of potassium and an excellent addition to any diet. Rich in vitamin C, they are known to be effective in reducing inflammation, protecting against heart disease, boosting the immune system, and may even protecting against certain types of cancer.

The equivalent amount of a 6-ounce orange will provide approximately 220 milligrams of potassium. Oranges also contain calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus as well as important trace minerals including iron, copper, and zinc.

In addition to potassium, oranges also offer a significant amount of dietary fiber as well as vitamin A and several B vitamins including thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. Eating an orange is also beneficial since it helps provide essential electrolytes (sodium and potassium) which can help maintain proper cell balance within the body’s tissues.


Cantaloupe is an excellent source of both potassium and vitamin C. It contains 303 milligrams (mg) of potassium and 67 percent of the daily recommended vitamin C in a single cup. Additionally, it is a great source of folate, magnesium, and dietary fiber.

The high amounts of vitamin C, as well as dietary fiber, can help reduce bloating, heartburn and indigestion. This nutrient-dense fruit also contains water-filled carbohydrates that can help promote satiety in blood sugar control to alleviate bloating.

Feel free to add cantaloupe to salads, smoothies, or your favorite breakfast yogurt! Expert tip: Speeding up your metabolism through exercise can help reduce bloat caused by fluid retention.


Raisins are an excellent source of potassium and other essential minerals. Just one-quarter cup of raisins contains more than 500 milligrams of potassium, which is about 15% of the amount recommended for adults daily. In comparison, a banana contains twice as much potassium but only about half the amount contained in a quarter cup of raisins.

In addition to its high concentration of potassium, raisins contain several other essential minerals such as vitamin B6, iron, and magnesium. Eating a consistent portion each day can help maintain healthy red blood cell levels while providing adequate energy and immunity against illnesses. Plus, they’re delicious snacks!

It’s important to note that consuming too much potassium can lead to health issues such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea so it’s important to monitor your intake if you’re including raisins in your diet regularly. A doctor or registered dietitian should be consulted if you have any questions or concerns related to an excessive intake of potassium.


Prunes are amongst the most nutritious foods containing a combination of dietary fiber and natural sugars that provide a number of health benefits. Prunes are extremely nutrient-dense, and they’re considered to be a superfood.

In terms of potassium, just 3/4 cup (100 grams) of prunes provide more than 500 milligrams — that’s 15% of the daily value. Prunes are rich in other minerals and vitamins, including vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.

Eating prunes on a regular basis can help you improve overall health thanks to their unique combination of valuable minerals and antioxidants, which help keep your body functioning optimally. Prunes contain sorbitol as well as dietary fiber which increases stool bulk in your intestines for smooth bowel movements that reduce bloating.

Additionally, these dried fruits are naturally low in calories yet full of sweetness making them an ideal healthy snack choice between meals too!


Papaya is a tropical fruit that has a sweet taste, and it’s known for its smooth texture and vibrant orange color. High in potassium, papaya can be eaten fresh or canned and contains vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. In addition to providing many essential vitamins and minerals, papaya is believed to have numerous health benefits.

It is high in antioxidants which can reduce inflammation of the digestive system, such as bloating.

A single serving of papaya provides 7 % of your recommended daily potassium intake and helps promote heart health; regulate fluid balance; control blood pressure; provide relief from muscle cramps; facilitate healthy digestion; increase energy levels; alleviate menstrual discomfort; prevent kidney stones; stop nausea related to morning sickness or chemotherapy treatment.

Papaya can be enjoyed raw as a snack or added to salads and smoothies for added sweetness.


Squash is a versatile vegetable that is widely known and eaten around the world. It is rich in many nutrients and minerals, including potassium. One cup of cooked squash contains 1,219 mg of potassium and only 83 calories. Squash is often eaten boiled, steamed, or sautéed but it can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes such as soups, stews, and casseroles.

Adding some squash to your diet can be a tasty way to increase your potassium intake and fight to bloat. Squash is also high in fiber which helps with digestion to reduce bloating, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for an all-around gut health-boosting vegetable.


Figs offer a rich source of potassium and fiber, which can help to reduce bloating caused by indigestion and lower the risk for chronic constipation. In addition to providing important nutrients such as magnesium, manganese, and calcium, figs are an excellent source of dietary fiber with more than 6 grams per cup.

Along with helping to improve digestion, this dietary fiber also helps to manage appetite levels and glucose metabolism. Figs are effective in aiding digestion due to their natural enzyme content that helps break down proteins and carbohydrates upon consumption.

The high fiber content also helps soften stool and reduce constipation which can lead to stomach bloating. A cup of sliced figs contains 402 milligrams of potassium – significantly more than a single banana – which makes it an excellent choice for those experiencing bloating because of electrolyte imbalances resulting from excess water retention or dehydration.


Asparagus is low in calories and carbs, but high in minerals and vitamins. It’s a great source of fiber, which can help prevent bloating, and also provides beneficial phytochemicals.

Additionally, asparagus is a good source of potassium – 100 grams or 3.5 ounces of cooked asparagus contains 253 mg of potassium, which is 7..3% of the recommended daily intake. The antioxidants found in asparagus provide anti-inflammatory benefits and can help reduce bloating by decreasing the production of inflammatory substances in your body.

Asparagus is also rich in B vitamins and minerals like copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium that work together to support your digestion and regulate the bacteria in your gut. Asparagus also contains prebiotic compounds that help nourish friendly bacteria to improve digestion.

Finally, asparagus can help reduce bloating because it increases urine production which helps flush out excess bloat-causing fluids from your body. So adding this superfood to your diet could be a great way to reduce painful bloating sensations without compromising on flavor or nutrition!


Mushrooms are edible fungi that are low in calories and high in potassium. 100 grams of mushrooms contain 200 milligrams of potassium, making them an ideal choice for those seeking to increase their dietary intake.

They also contain B vitamins, selenium, copper, phosphorus, and a range of other minerals and nutrients. Mushrooms have a strong flavor and can be used as flavor enhancers in dishes or consumed as a healthful snack.

Not only are mushrooms an excellent source of potassium, but they have numerous other potential health benefits too. They may help to boost the immune system, protect against certain types of cancer, reduce cholesterol levels and improve gut health.

Furthermore, studies have found that consuming more mushrooms may reduce the risk of developing cognitive decline or dementia later in life due to their antioxidant properties.

All types of mushrooms should be cooked prior to consumption to unlock their nutrient content while eliminating toxins or bacteria. When selecting fresh mushrooms from the grocery store or market place look for firm white specimens with unbroken caps – any brown discoloration is an indication that the mushroom is no longer fresh.

If you’re storing them for later use make sure that you keep them refrigerated and consume them within one week; frozen or canned mushrooms can also be used although some nutrition content may be lost during processing or freezing.


Potatoes are a great source of potassium, with the flesh alone providing 694 mg. The skin of potatoes, which is where most of their antioxidants and fiber are found, provides an additional 192 mg. Potatoes are also lower in calories and fat than many other types of carbohydrates.

For example, they contain only 168 calories per cup compared to more than 200 calories in white rice per cup. Additionally, potatoes contain almost no fat and provide important nutrients such as vitamin C, thiamin, and magnesium.

You can prepare potatoes in many different ways to achieve their maximum nutritional benefits including baking, boiling, or simmering for stews and soups, or roasting them with olive oil for a crispy exterior but soft center within.

A good way to get the most out of your potatoes is to leave the skin on when possible as it helps maintain more potassium and other vitamins within the potato during cooking.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds come from the sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus), a native of North America. It is ounce for ounce, one of the most potassium-dense foods available, with over 600 mg of potassium in a one-ounce serving, making it a great choice for adding electrolytes to your snacks.

Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of magnesium and phosphorus, both important minerals involved in cellular energy production and bloating reduction. They are high in polyunsaturated fat (72%) and contain healthy vitamins, including thiamin and folate as well as B-complex vitamins.

Additionally, they contain enzymes that aid in digestion, helping to reduce bloating when eaten regularly. Finally, sunflower seeds make an excellent topping for salads, and many people enjoy snacking on them on the go!


Nuts are a great snack option for those looking to increase their potassium levels. Almonds, cashews, and peanuts contain around 200mg of potassium per 100 grams, 1.5 times more than what you find in bananas.

Additionally, nuts offer a great crunch and are full of essential oils that keep you healthy. They’re also packed with fiber and healthy fats which help to reduce bloating. So make sure to include them in your diet. A handful of nuts a day should do the trick.


Peas are a legume that is a great source of potassium. A half-cup of cooked peas contains 154 milligrams of potassium and is loaded with other essential vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. Peas contain manganese which helps keep the bones strong and healthy, along with other nutrients that offer other health benefits such as reducing inflammation.

Peas are also high in fiber, which helps to reduce bloating. Peas can be enjoyed fresh or frozen in salads or soup, added to stir-fries and curries, or steamed as a side dish on their own. They can also be mashed up for a delicious side dish or turned into tasty hummus or refreshing pea puree.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a natural, delicious, and low-calorie way to improve your health. Not only does it contain large amounts of electrolytes like potassium, but it also contains magnesium and calcium to maintain muscle function, combat dehydration, and support healthy heart function.

To reap the full benefits of coconut water it is important to choose 100% pure coconut water that has been produced from fresh coconuts, as other types of coconut water can be high in sugar and preservatives.

When drinking coconut water regularly, you’ll notice a decrease in bloating as the drink helps to flush out excess salt from the body. Coconut water is also packed with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and C; amino acids; proteins; fiber; enzymes as well as precious trace minerals including zinc and iron.

Coconut water typically contains more potassium than bananas at around 600 mg per cup or 11% of your daily recommended value. Potassium can help reboot a sluggish digestive system by providing the body’s cells with the nutrients they need in order to perform optimally.

In addition to this coconut water helps restore balance back into the gut without putting too much stress on the stomach, allowing space for bacteria levels to normalize and reducing irritation that can lead to more serious complications like IBS or ulcers.


Beets are a great source of high-potassium food. The vegetable is rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients making it a great addition to any diet. It contains about 325mg of potassium per cooked cup (138g) which is almost 10% of the daily recommended value. Additionally, beets provide a good source of manganese, copper, magnesium, and iron.

Beetroot juice has been linked to reducing fatigue, lowering blood pressure, and improving exercise performance when consumed regularly.* Beetroot has also been thought to help promote wound healing due to its high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits.

It is important to note that raw beets can cause an upset stomach so they should be cooked before consumption. Beet greens are also a great source of potassium with 1000mg per cooked cup. In addition, they provide minerals such as calcium, zinc, and magnesium which make them an incredibly nutritious green for any meal.


Watermelon has rich sources of potassium, providing 100 milligrams (3.5 ounces) per ounce and an overall total of 290 milligrams per cup. It is an ideal fruit to reduce bloating and dehydration due to its significant water content. Additionally, the high potassium concentration is beneficial for those who want to prevent water retention or optimize their electrolyte balance.

Watermelon also contains several other vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for digestion, including vitamin C and magnesium. Furthermore, it has no fat content and only contains 46 calories per 3.5-ounce serving, making it perfect for dieters who want to keep their calorie intake low while getting the most out of their nutrient-dense food choices.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is one of the many high-potassium foods available to those looking to consume more potassium in order to reduce bloating. Coconut milk is a versatile ingredient that adds a creamy texture and delicious taste to both sweet and savory dishes, as well as smoothies and other beverages.

Additionally, it’s an optimum source of essential minerals, including potassium. A one-cup serving of coconut milk provides 462 milligrams (12% DV) of this important mineral for just 145 calories.

Other health benefits associated with consuming potassium-rich foods like coconut milk include improved digestion, reduced fluid retention, and weight loss support. Coconut milk also contains healthy fats that help promote lasting fullness post-meal consumption as well as heart health support.

It’s important to note that not all coconut milk may contain similar amounts of potassium; compare nutrition labels when selecting your preferred variety to reap the greatest benefits. Those looking for an additional boost may choose canned coconut cream, which has 579 milligrams (17% DV) of potassium per one-cup serving.


Yogurt is one of the highest sources of potassium. It contains up to 900mg per cup (8oz), making it a great option to help combat bloating and high blood pressure. Not only that, but yogurt is also packed with beneficial probiotics which promote a healthy gut, as well as calcium, zinc, protein, and vitamin B12 to keep your bones healthy and strong.

Look for yogurts that are low in sugar, as added sugars can cause bloating and an increase in inflammation. The same goes for artificially sweetened yogurts—these may be worse for bloating than the regular variety. Plain yogurt mixed with fresh berries is always a great choice!


Kale is a nutrient-dense vegetable that provides an excellent source of potassium. A 1-cup serving of cooked kale contains 839 milligrams (mg) of potassium or 20 percent of the daily recommended value for adults. Potassium helps to maintain electrolyte balance and support normal muscle function.

Kale is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and calcium, as well as other essential minerals such as iron and magnesium. It is low in calories and provides high amounts of antioxidants that are beneficial for health. Kale can be eaten raw, steamed, or sautéed and added to salads, soups, stews, or casseroles to enhance flavor.


In conclusion, eating foods that are high in potassium can help to alleviate the symptoms of bloating. Eating the right combination of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds can provide your body with the potassium it needs to reduce water retention and improve digestion.

Eating a balanced diet that is rich in antioxidants may also help to reduce inflammation and promote better gastrointestinal health. Additionally, drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help to flush out any toxins that may be causing your bloating.

Finally, when it comes to relief from bloating caused by high-potassium foods, make sure you talk to your doctor before making any dietary changes.

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