Hogwarts it looks like a rather expensive school, with all those courses to follow and books to buy, not to mention uniforms, chopsticks, cauldrons and so on and so forth. But what is the actual cost of education for a Wizarding World family? And how much are teachers paid?
As far as the first question is concerned, JK Rowling herself thought about answering some time ago: in fact, the writer was keen to clarify that the whole cost of education of the boys of the Wizarding World is borne by the Ministry of Magic, which, like any government, collects taxes from its citizens. Education in the wizarding world is, on the other hand, limited to a few choices, so it would be really not very nice to send even poor families like the Weasleys to the streets!
The same Ministry, therefore, also takes care of paying the Hogwarts professors: Regarding their salary, however, all we know is that it is counted in Galleons, the highest currency in the Harry Potter world, so we tend to believe that these are more than satisfactory figures. Given the risks that every year McGranitt and members are running, on the other hand, paying the faculty adequately seems to us the minimum wage!
How much do you think the teachers of Harry Potter? Have fun giving the numbers in the comments! In the meantime, here’s everything you need to know about Harry Potter’s ghosts.