Obsidian Bride Chapter 19 Release Date, Cast, Storyline, Trailer Release, and Everything You Need to Know:
This K-Manhwa is a brand new Korean Manhwa a series that is quickly becoming a fan favorite, and it’s easy to see why: the unique blend of fantastical elements and the format of a contemporary reality dating show has us very excited.
If you’re interested in knowing when Obsidian Bride Chapter 19 will be released, what the reviews have been like, and what the narrative is like, then keep reading this post.
Exciting news for lovers of Obsidian Bride! The premiere of Chapter 14 is set for October 12, 2023. On October 9, 2023, raw images or spoilers will be made available for individuals who can’t wait to have a sneak peek. Put this date on your calendars, because the next book in the Obsidian Bride serial is going to be a nail-biter.
The children of the fallen are the first to be sold. Lueri was the initial to be sold since her parents considered her a burden because she was the product of a prior marriage. She also had to deal with sibling bullying.
Lueri’s family gets married her off to the Riza family, anticipating a substantial dowry. After marrying, Lueri found herself at odds with the guy who would become her husband. When Lueri was little and others started picking on her, she would run away to the library.
Here, however, she was unable to withstand such tests since there was nowhere to hide from the harshness of reality. There is a sudden opening in the jewelry box, and she seizes it. This is Lueri’s chance to be the crown gem.
We’re getting close to releasing Chapter 7 of Obsidian Bride. In the last chapter, everyone expressed their affection for a particular diamond by selecting an affinity.
In Chapter 7 of Obsidian Bride, readers will finally discover out who chose Obsidian. Platinum was skeptical that the meal would be edible, but was pleasantly surprised by its flavor.
Pearl was astonished that Platinum seemed so anxious about the flavor. Platinum informed her that he recalled the strange supper they had on the very first Jewel Box episode.
Garet could not recall the strange meal. Platinum pointed out that they had placed too much butter into the soup, causing it to become black, and that the meat was still raw.
Obsidian Bride Chapter 19 Release Date:
Fantastic news for the faithful! Chapter 14 of Obsidian Bride will be out on Friday, October 12, 2023 at 12:00 AM JST, so start planning your celebrations now. Don’t forget to set your alarms, because the next chapter is going to be jam-packed with exciting drama and action.
Obsidian Bride Chapter 19 Trailer Release:
A video teaser for Chapter 19 of Obsidian Bride is, in fact, available.
Obsidian Bride Chapter 19 Storyline:
The moderator warned everyone they were not permitted to share personal information relating to their true identities. They also said that the protective magic would be activated immediately should any of them attempt to expose private information.
If the protective magic were engaged more than once, the gem would be notified, & the due date would be postponed. Garnet had a bad attitude after receiving two warnings.
The fact that Alexandrite had forced him into this situation irritated him. Alexandrite suggested that Garnet tell a fib in response to a rhetorical inquiry.
When Alexandrite brought up lying, Platinum wondered whether they could get away with pretending to be someone else. When Platinum asked Lueri whether she had been pretending to be Marianne so they might steal her culinary abilities, Lueri was taken aback.
Pearl reassured Platinum that they could get away with pretending if they approached their target based on their shared interests rather than their genuine love for them.
The more secrets one shared, Platinum said, the more interested others would be in learning them, and the more enjoyable the game would become for everyone.
Platinum spoke to Obsidian, and Obsidian got the impression that Platinum was interested in her. Platinum confessed to her that he was obsessed with learning more about her.
That raises the possibility that Sir Alexandrite is a friend of Marianne’s. Even if they were familiar with one other, Obsidian was certain he would recognize her as someone other than Marianne at the truth meeting.
Sir Alexandrite has requested that Obsidian be sent back to his chamber since he did not choose him. When seen from behind, he gave off a desolate vibe. He was surprised that it had come to this since Alexandrite had just won the last match.
Chapter 13 of The Obsidian Bride presents surprising disclosures as the Emperor stuns the Empress with knowledge of his intimate friendship with Pearl.
The Empress’s interest has been piqued by this information, which may indicate the beginning of a more meaningful friendship. The Emperor also notes Pearl and Garnet’s amicable connection, wondering whether the latter’s perspective of the former has changed as a result of seeing his remarkable martial arts skill.
These signals imply the prospect of a new direction in their love affair, especially if Platinum’s influence might shift Obsidian’s outlook. The more time passes, the more the reader learns about the characters and how they interact with one another.
The Emperor’s thoughts regarding Pearl, Garnet, & the Empress’s conversations with one another are laid bare in the next phrase. With his insider knowledge of Pearl and Garnet’s strong friendship, he can’t help but wonder whether the two would ever start dating.
Their compatibility as a pair is recognized by the Emperor, who also admires Garnet’s martial arts prowess (which he believes is the reason Pearl like him).
The Emperor attributes Pearl’s increased fondness for Garnet to his competence. The Emperor is intrigued by this change of events since it was not anything he had expected to happen in the love tale.
Garnet has stoked the flames by claiming they are skilled equestrians and polo players. Speculation that Garnet and Pearl are becoming closer has been stoked by Garnet, who also made the assertion.
Where To Watch Obsidian Bride Chapter 19?
Naver Series is where you can read the most recent update of The Obsidian Bride. Be sure to take a look, although English-speaking fans may have to wait until a translation by a legitimate outlet.