A new featurette by The Batman, the DC cinecomic directed by Matt Reeves. The protagonist of the video, Zoë Kravitz’s Catwoman.
It’s still a little while before Robert Pattinson’s Batman can make its way to the big screen, and so far Batman fans have been able to get some hint of what we’ll see in the movie. film directed by Matt Reeves only thanks to some images from the set, some teasers and content shared on the occasion of the DC FanDome, among which, however, we also find a first spectacular trailer.
Now, however, a featurette that has appeared on the web (via Reddit) shifts the focus to the Catwoman character, played here by Zöe Kravitz.
As you can see from the post that you also find at the bottom of the news, Reeves, Kravitz and producer Dylan Clark allude to the fact that The Batman, while not an Origin Movie, will show us the origins of several Batverse rogues, including Selina Kyle.
“Selina knows how to take care of herself“says Kravitz”He really wants to fight for the people who have no one to fight for them. And I think that’s the real meeting point with Batman“.
The Batman (and Catwoman) will hit theaters in March 2022.