The latest case broke out with the trailer for Emerald Fennell’s A Promising Woman, when the film’s only trans woman was voiced in Italian by a male voice, generating a lot of controversy, but according to Daniele Giuliani, voice actor of Jon Snow and President ANAD, the situation of the politically correct “is now a nightmare“.
From Rome, in fact, the president ofNational Association of Voice Actors launched an invective and a critique of the majors, which lately are generating a lot of pressure around the profession to respect the standards of politically correct, which means that for every voice there is a color, an age or a sexual orientation to follow and privilege.
Giuliani says about it: “The American majors are exporting the logic of inclusiveness a priori. There is now pressure with explicit requests: homosexuals dubbed by homosexuals, blacks by blacks, more relevant age than the vocal age. Not only is there a risk of ghettoisation, but Article 3 of the constitution is also violated [“pari dignità sociale senza distinzioni di sesso, razza, lingua, religione, opinioni politiche, condizioni sociali o personali” n.d.r.]“.
It also echoes him Flame Izzo, director of the dubbing of the upcoming Cruella with Emma Stone: “Once they asked me only black voice actors: I replied that there aren’t any in Italy and they gave the job to a company that invented these voice actors. Another time they asked me for a ‘fluid’ voice actor to give voice to a non-binary actor, respecting his choice of identity. I called a very young person with an ethereal, girlish voice. Nothing to do, however: it was not good“.
It also intervenes David Chevalier, voice actor of Tom Hiddleston in Loki: “The platforms have serious problems with racism but we must deflate this puritanical bubble that is overwhelming us”. And finally he also speaks Luca Ward, that needs no introduction: “The important thing is not to raise too many barriers“.
What do you think about it?