A lot of water has passed under the bridge since the days of Top Gun, but some things have remained intact: the world has changed, but the film with Tom Cruise has remained one of the cornerstones of action cinema and, above all, its protagonist is still the same unbridled madman willing to risk breaking the neck bone with every take.
The clock, however, certainly does not stop: this year, in fact, the film released in 1986 celebrates the his first 35 years and, as befits a success of this magnitude, celebrations in grand style are ready to greet the event.
While Chris McQuarrie already talks about Top Gun: Maverick as his best film, in fact, AMC is ready to involve well 150 sale Dolby Cinema to bring back the film that consecrated the talent of Tom Cruise. The initiative is currently valid only for the US territory: it is not yet clear, therefore, whether it is legitimate to nurture the hope that similar initiatives will also take off in Italy.
Even the less fortunate fans, however, will have the opportunity to console themselves: for its 35th anniversary Top Gun will arrive in a brand new home-video version with well 4 hours of extra content. Not bad after all, don’t you think? Recently, Jennifer Connelly said she flew with Tom Cruise for Top Gun: Maverick.