8 Natural Alternatives to Clomid Ginger Black Cohosh and More

Clomid is a commonly prescribed medication for women who are struggling to become pregnant. While Clomid can be an effective treatment, it has some possible side effects, including blurred vision and abdominal pain. To reduce these risks, many individuals turn to natural alternatives as an initial course of treatment when seeking to boost fertility.

This guide will explore eight natural alternatives to Clomid which have been proven effective at increasing fertility in men and women without the risks of harsh medications or treatments. Natural treatments such as acupressure, diet change, and herbal remedies can safely complement other treatments or even be used in place of pharmaceuticals entirely.

We will examine the scientific evidence behind each recommended remedy, provide resources for further reading, and discuss potential side effects or contraindications with each alternative therapy. In addition, we will look at supplements that may be used as dietary adjuncts to increase the chances of conception.

By understanding your body’s needs and taking a holistic approach to treatment, you may soon find yourself on the way to starting your family!

Herbal Remedies

If you’re looking for other options besides Clomid to increase your chances of getting pregnant, herbal remedies may be a good option. Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments and can help with fertility issues as well. Here, we’ll discuss some herbs that may help improve fertility as well as their pros and cons.


Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus), also known as vitex or monk’s pepper, is one of the most well-researched herbal remedies for treating female infertility. It is routinely prescribed by fertility experts in Germany and has been used in Europe extensively for centuries.

Chasteberry helps to restore balance to a woman’s hormonal system and regulates levels of estrogen and progesterone which can play a role in fertility issues. It can also increase cervical mucus production which can help with conception.

It should be taken for at least three menstrual cycles, starting at the beginning of each cycle and continuing for eight weeks before results are seen. Possible side effects may include nausea, headaches, dizziness, or acne flare-ups.

Red Raspberry Leaf

Red raspberry leaf is one of the most popular natural alternatives to Clomid, but it isn’t just prescribed for women who are trying to become pregnant—it’s popular among pregnant women and those looking to help their fertility issues as well. Known scientifically as Rubus ideas, this herb has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, both in liquid and capsule form.

Red raspberry leaf is said to strengthen the uterus, helping it better carry a pregnancy to term; some believe that it helps redistribute progesterone levels in the body, creating a more favorable environment for conception. Red raspberry leaf can also increase your blood flow during ovulation, which helps with uterine lining development or endometrial lining thickness.

Most often taken in tincture or capsule form, the red raspberry leaf should not be consumed during pregnancy due to its naturally high concentration of progesterone-like substances and its tendency to stimulate the uterus; however, many women take it from weeks five through twenty-six of their pregnancy, when these risks no longer exist.

As with any supplement or herbal remedy, you should always consult your doctor before taking any substance.


Ginseng is a medicinal herb with a long history of use in traditional Chinese and Korean medicine. It has been used for treating infertility for centuries and is thought to be capable of helping regulate hormones and stimulating ovulation. The two primary components of ginseng — the root and the berry — appear to provide different benefits from each other.

The root of Panax ginseng, or Asian ginseng, has many purported medicinal properties, such as boosting energy levels, helping with cognitive decline, aiding relaxation, and boosting immunity.

Studies suggest that it also increases blood flow to the uterus and balances hormones in women with PCOS by stimulating the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis), which helps control endocrine function in humans. In addition, studies have found that it improves sperm quality and motility in men and increases ovarian health in women while helping to regulate menstrual cycles.

The berry of Panax quinquefolius — otherwise known as American ginseng — is thought to have a milder form of effects compared to its Asian counterpart but contains some similar compounds.  Recent studies have found that American ginseng may protect against diabetes, help reduce fatigue due to overwork or physical activities and promote healthy fertility.

Some studies also suggest that American ginseng could be beneficial for women struggling with PCOS because of its ability to increase progesterone production (which aids in ovulation) as well as reduce inflammation-related side effects associated with PCOS such as acne or hair loss.

For both men and women struggling with infertility issues, adding a daily dose of either Panax Ginseng (Asian) or Panax quinquefolius (American) can help boost fertility naturally without relying on medications like Clomid or Injectables which carry many side effects.


Maca is an herb that grows in Peru and is known for its incredible healing properties. It is believed to help with fertility issues, including egg production, ovarian stimulation, and the regulation of hormones.

Maca can also increase libido and boost sexual energy. The recommended dosage of maca depends on the individual’s needs, but generally speaking 3-6 grams per day should be adequate. Maca can be taken in pill form or as a powder added to smoothies or juices. It is also available in tincture form if desired.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of conditions ranging from mental and physical exhaustion to anxiety, depression, and low energy levels. The root is the primary part of the plant that is used medicinally, but all parts–roots, leaves, flowers, and fruits–can be consumed or taken in pill form.

As an adaptogen, ashwagandha helps the body cope with stress by modulating cortisol levels. It can also boost energy levels and enhance immunity. In terms of mental health benefits, it’s been shown to help combat anxiety and depression as well as increase focus and concentration.

Additionally, ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with symptoms associated with arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Finally, it’s widely believed to be an aphrodisiac due to its ability to increase testosterone levels in men as well as libido in both men and women.

Given its wide range of potential benefits, ashwagandha is one of the most popular herbs for natural medicine among practitioners around the world and is widely available in various forms including capsules/tablets, tinctures/extracts, and loose powder for consumption as a tea or added to food recipes.


Ginger is one of the most popular and well-known herbal remedies with a wide range of medicinal uses. It has been used in traditional and folk medicine for centuries, both as an anti-inflammatory to soothe joints, manage nausea and indigestion, and even reduce fever.

Ginger’s active ingredients, gingerols, and shogaols, are known for their ability to reduce inflammation. They can also help to relieve pain associated with conditions like arthritis by blocking certain pathways in the body responsible for transmitting pain signals from the affected area.

Additionally, gingerols may help treat stomach problems such as nausea by increasing the rate at which food moves through the digestive tract, thus relieving symptoms associated with fullness or bloating.

Studies have also indicated that ginger may be effective in treating migraine headaches due to its ability to dilate blood vessels and increase circulation. Additionally, products containing dried ginger have been found to be beneficial in relieving sore throats and chest congestion.

Some toxicologists have even suggested that it might have anti-cancer properties as well! Ginger also makes a great addition to your diet because it provides plenty of nutrients such as Vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium – all of which play important roles in maintaining overall health.

In general, fresh ginger root is preferred over its dried counterpart because it contains higher concentrations of active ingredients that provide greater health benefits. You can purchase fresh or powdered ginger root from many grocery stores or online retailers for use in dishes or teas throughout the day for optimal wellness potential.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is an herb native to North America and a member of the buttercup family. It has been used for centuries by Native American and Chinese traditional healers to treat a variety of ailments, including anxiety and menopausal symptoms. The plant’s roots contain compounds that may help balance hormones, ease inflammation and soothe muscle tension.

The active components in black cohosh are triterpene glycosides which possess anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and muscle-relaxing properties. Additionally, the herb can help reduce the symptoms of menopause, such as night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and irregular menstrual cycles.

Research suggests that black cohosh also helps with mood swings, insomnia, and irritability that some people experience during this time. It’s important to consult your doctor before using black cohosh as an herbal remedy for any medical condition.

If taken correctly in small doses over a short period of time it is generally safe for human consumption; however large doses can cause headaches or dizziness so it’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s advice closely when taking any supplement or herb.

As with any medical treatment make sure you are aware of all the potential side effects before starting treatment with this natural alternative.

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

When it comes to trying to increase your fertility naturally, diet and lifestyle changes are essential. Making changes to your diet and lifestyle can help balance your hormones and potentially increase your fertility. In this section, we’ll discuss the various diet and lifestyle changes you can make to improve your fertility naturally without taking any medications.

Increase Folate Intake

Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is an essential nutrient for the body and helps form red blood cells. Studies suggest folate may be especially important for those looking to make lifestyle or diet changes, as it can help support various bodily functions. Increasing your folate intake can be done by eating foods such as spinach, beans, and citrus fruits or by taking a supplement.

Additionally, certain grains have been enriched with folic acid to increase their nutritional value and can help individuals meet their recommended daily allowance of 400 micrograms per day.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity is essential for a healthy lifestyle and can be beneficial in reducing the risk of various health problems. It can also help you maintain your ideal weight and manage stress levels.

Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated: something as simple as walking or biking is enough to increase your cardiovascular health and improve blood circulation. For maximum benefit, aim for 30 minutes of aerobic activity 5 days per week, but even shorter bouts of exercise (10-15 minutes) can have positive effects.

Additionally, building strength through resistance training is important for maintaining bone mass and staying fit overall. Find an exercise routine that works for you and stick with it for optimal results and long-term health benefits!

Reduce Stress Levels

Stress has a huge impact on overall health, including hormone balance. As such, reducing stress levels can be a natural approach to helping improve fertility. There are several ways to reduce stress, from regular exercise and relaxation techniques such as meditation, to lifestyle modifications like adhering to a healthy nutrition plan or limiting alcohol consumption, or quitting smoking.

Making time for yourself is an essential step in reducing your stress levels and should include activities that you truly enjoy, whether that’s taking a yoga class or going to brunch with friends. Acupuncture is another form of therapy that can help relieve stress and optimize ovulation by manipulating the body’s pressure points.

Additionally, don’t hesitate to speak with a mental health counseling provider if you feel overwhelmed or need support in navigating infertility and its associated emotional challenges.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important diet and lifestyle changes that can help you conceive. Stress and lack of sleep can affect your hormones, resulting in a decrease in reproductive function. Sleep helps your body to produce the hormones responsible for ovulation, increasing your likelihood of getting pregnant.

Aim to get at least eight hours of sleep per night, preferably in dark and quiet surroundings. Make sure to limit exposure to screens before bedtime, as the blue light they emit can interfere with your production of melatonin (the sleep hormone).

If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, consider changing some of your habits or making small adjustments to your routine that will help you relax before bedtime. Herbal remedies like valerian root or chamomile tea may also help you relax into a restful sleep if needed. Additionally, be sure to take time during the day for relaxing activities such as yoga or meditation.*

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, or energy drinks can interfere with fertility. They can reduce hormone production, and impair liver detoxification. High caffeine intake has been linked to reduced embryo quality, a higher risk of miscarriage, and a longer time to conceive.

In addition, alcohol consumption increases cortisol levels and impacts cells responsible for reproductive hormones thus potentially reducing fertility. Therefore it is highly recommended to avoid both alcohol and caffeine as much as possible if you are trying to conceive.

This includes all drinks which contain these two ingredients such as iced tea, some wines, champagne, beers, or liqueurs even if these are low in caffeine and alcohol content. Cutting these drinks from your diet not only promotes overall health but also helps in successful conception for couples who are TTC (trying to conceive).


When it comes to seeking out natural alternatives to Clomid, there are many options to consider. While none of these alternatives are as effective as Clomid, they can be used in some cases where Clomid is contraindicated.

Remember that talking to your doctor before taking any supplement or herb should be your first step and that any use of the supplementation should be monitored regularly with blood tests.

Regardless of whether you’re a candidate for Clomid or not, it may still be a good idea to make lifestyle changes related to diet and exercise as well as monitor your stress levels. These changes alone could potentially help increase your chances for a successful pregnancy.

Finally, if you’re thinking about using any type of natural alternative or supplement, make sure that it is properly sourced and tested for safety and quality so that you can have peace of mind when taking it.

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