‘Adachi and Shimamura’ follows the adventures of its namesake heroes, who first appeared in a series of Japanese yuri light novels written by Hitoma Iruma and drawn by Non. They go to class, do their assignments, and develop romantic feelings for one another. Adachi is a stunning beauty with black hair who often misses school. Her affections for Shimamura become deeper as the narrative goes.
She attempts to push them away at first, but eventually comes to terms with them. Many reviewers have praised the program since its debut, complimenting the show’s animation, plot, and characters. The current season of the program has just finished broadcasting. Here’s what we know about the next one’s release date in case you’re curious:
Adachi and Shimamura Season 2 Renewal Status
The series’ first season was met with enthusiastic reception. A 7.15 score on MyAnimeList attests to its high quality. In addition, spectators adored the on-screen chemistry between Shimamura and Adachi. Although the latter made some attempts to convey her emotions, viewers still don’t know how Shimamura really feels about Adachi. So, there’s constant pressure from viewers for a second season.
The show’s success means that the production team doesn’t need to go far for content for a second season. It is very expected that the producers will soon take note of the demand and renew Adachi and Shimamura for a second season. There are many mysteries left for the show’s makers to solve before they can call it finished. Thus, the likelihood of a second season of this program is strong.
Adachi and Shimamura Season 2 Release Date
There has been no official word yet from Tezuka Productions on whether or not “Adachi to Shimamura” will return for a second season. There are a number of variables that go into renewal decisions, including commercial measures and financial success.
The series has proven to be financially successful. Blu-ray sales were initially low but have steadily increased with each new volume. In fact, Volume 4 was ranked #2 on the Top Weekly Anime Blu-ray and DVD Ranking in Japan.
Sales of the newest edition of the light novel on which the anime relies have been strong. Important indicators for renewal include the series’ generally favorable critical reception and consistent high IMDB episode ratings.
Adachi and Shimamura Cast
- Adachi Sakura voiced by Kitou Akari(Japanese); Shipman Megan(English)
- Shimamura Hougetsu voiced by Itou Miku(Japanese); Lee Amanda(English)
- Adachi Atsuka voiced by Itou Shizuka(Japanese); Lee Wendee(English)
- Chikama Yashiro voiced by Saeki, Iori(Japanese); Wiedenheft Sarah(English)
- Ekishaman voiced by Hino Mari(Japanese); Buckland Kira(English)
- Hino Akira voiced by Numakura Manami(Japanese); Williams Sarah(English)
- Nagafuji Taeko voiced by Ueda Reina(Japanese); Rial Monica(English)
- Tarumi voiced by Ueda Kayano Ai(Japanese); Tipton, Alexis(English)
Adachi and Shimamura Season 2 Plot
The show’s first season centered on the first four books in the series. Sakura Adachi and Hougestu Shimamura are the show’s main characters. They’ve known one other forever and are both in their first year of high school. Adachi is a stunning young woman who often misses school. Until Shimamura came into her life, she yearned for time alone. After skipping class one day, Adachi found herself at the school gym, where she would eventually meet Shimamua. They hit it off and began spending time together.
Adachi formed romantic emotions for her and decided to come clean. Shimamura, on the other hand, only regards her as a friend. But by the season’s conclusion, she, too, had developed feelings for Adachi. We can’t say for sure whether she won’t start to feel anything for her as well. We’ll have to wait till season 2 of the program airs to find out.
It is planned that the fifth book will be covered in the second season. Adachi has decided to spend his summer vacation with Shimamura, as detailed in the fifth book. Tarumi, an old acquaintance of Shimamura’s, has defeated her, however. Adachi learned this after stumbling across the couple together. Will Adachi’s sentiments finally come out if this happens? If so, is Shimamura prepared to hear this? Adachi’s sentiments for Shimamura, and her reaction to them, would make for an intriguing confession.
Adachi and Shimamura Season 2 Trailer
There is no promotional video for Season 2 since the program has not been renewed. A season 1 teaser may be seen on YouTube, however.
Where to watch Adachi and Shimamura?
Just click the link up above if you want to view it. Funimation hosts the whole series if you like the anime and want to see more.
To sum up, although a second season of “Adachi to Shimamura” has not yet been announced, fans should not give up hope. Sales and viewership numbers indicate the series has potential, but the studio’s hectic schedule might prevent it from continuing for some time.
The light novel and manga are good options for anyone interested in learning more about Adachi and Shimamura’s journey. Keep a watch out for updates, as a trailer and release date news might be announced as early as the summer of 2024.