“Turning 60 certainly doesn’t make me happy”

The years pass for everyone and not even the stars are immune from the passage of time. And so even if it wouldn’t seem, George Clooney is about to turn 60. The one who in the 90s was elected as the sexiest man in the world seems not to be very happy with this.

The actor convinced that cinema will survive the crisis, a recent interview revealed that he has many problems with his age, but that he must necessarily accept that on 6 May he will be 60 years old.

“As for my 60th birthday, I’m not particularly happy, but it’s better than death. So I accept it. I only have two options.”

Fortunately, however, George Clooney has his family formed by the beautiful lawyer Amal and their twins. The birth of the children seems to have rejuvenated the famous actor who is arrived at paternity at a very old age that is, at about 56 years.

“We try to convey certain values ​​to them. They are not yet four years old so they don’t understand well. But sometimes they play a game and say, ‘This is for the poor people.’ poor then ‘. And at that point they are a bit shocked when reality comes “.

Clooney has also revealed that his children speak fluent Italian and use this to their advantage, in an attempt not to be understood by their parents.

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